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Gabby & Sammy ‘s pups 4 full wks 4-12-21

So this week the pups have been moved to a bigger pen with an end with shavings to potty in.  They have had their first worming and are starting to eat dog food.  They are moving around more easily and are taken to different rooms to get used to different spaces and surfaces.








Happy Easter, New Litters

There are 5 boys and a girl, new to Kuzhill, born 14th of March and the 30th.  The older litter’s sire & dam are Gabby & Sammy.  The other litter’s are Haply & Presley.  They are working through the protocols, the older ones up on their feet.



Gabby Sammy pups 2 wks
Gabby Sammy pups 3 wks