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Haply Pups 6 wks adventures
The two boys were wormed again, got to play outside, were also microchipped this week. Nail and foot hair trimming were also demonstrated. There were also visitors to get used to and airplanes, lawn mowers and car, motor cycle noise. Next we are going to learn steps and leash work.
Gabby & Sammy’s Pups in new homes, Congrats to new owners!
5-4-21 Wk 7 adventures & Younger pups 5 wks now.
More education via video about Feeding and then the younger pups and more….
4-29-21 Pups in 7th wk and 4th wk
So the younger pups are learning to play with toys and walk around out of their whelping box. Both litters have been wormed along with all the adult dogs. The older ones are now chipped and are learning steps and playing with children. They have had several visitors both men and women along with kids. The older ones are eating dog food with water 3 times a day while the little ones get ground up dog food with goats milk and will be weaned soon. Also started leash training.