Author: Lyn

During Wk 5

They start eating well on their own and mom is out of milk so they are weaned.  They switch from ground up dog food to kibble with goats milk on it and eventually only water.

I placed a crate in their pen to start crate training which is central to being able to travel in the car, potty training and it is their safe place to go when things get to be to much, or when they can not be watched.  They eat in the crate for food security, then go out to potty, which they almost never do in the crate.  I feed them dog food 3 times a day along with mom now and then.  I only feed them adult food because the brands I feed are high in protein and fat but not as high as puppy foods.  Since shelties are not big heavy dogs they do not need those high protein counts for joints or kidneys.  Everyone needs a travel crate for their cars and a crate in their homes or one that can be easily moved in and out.  I use medium size crates, 24″ either plastic or wire.  

I also put their collars on this week, watch the video below.  The younger pups will go through the same training as they grow.

I use pine shavings in one end of the pen where they learn to potty, it takes about a week although peeing takes a bit longer.

Used at one end of pen a bit messy but works.
Getting use to the crate our safe place

Collar video


It has been a tough day and it is only early afternoon, we sleep a lot.






Gabby & Sammy ‘s pups 4 full wks 4-12-21

So this week the pups have been moved to a bigger pen with an end with shavings to potty in.  They have had their first worming and are starting to eat dog food.  They are moving around more easily and are taken to different rooms to get used to different spaces and surfaces.








Happy Easter, New Litters

There are 5 boys and a girl, new to Kuzhill, born 14th of March and the 30th.  The older litter’s sire & dam are Gabby & Sammy.  The other litter’s are Haply & Presley.  They are working through the protocols, the older ones up on their feet.



Gabby Sammy pups 2 wks
Gabby Sammy pups 3 wks